Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas in NC!

Our first Christmas as husband and wife went very well. We went home for the holiday season and we enjoyed our time at home in NC but boy are we glad to be back with our things in Kansas. I was home for ten days before Steve flew in. We loved all the times we spent with our families and friends. Sheree and Josh took us to a Carolina Panthers game on December 23rd. We had a blast! Of course I took my Christmas git from Steve. My new Nikon D3000 camera that he gave to me a month before Christmas. I am really wanting to get into photography. For anyone that knows me they know that I LOVE to take pictures.

While I was at home before Steve came to NC, fixing up our house began! We got the living room painted and completely done. The bathroom floor was put in and the walls painted. We started on the kitchen and the front bedroom was painted. Thanks to everyone who had been very committed to helping us with our house. We couldn't do it without you and y'all know who you are!!

So it is going to snow here in Kansas tomorrow. It is going to start around 8 am and last until about 7 am the ext day.. That is a long time for snow. Steve also has 24 hour duty on New Year's Eve so I will be celebrating with a few friends! My first physical therapy appointment is tomorrow also. It is more like an evaluation to see what I can and cant do with my ankle. Wish me luck as I start this long process!

Well that is really all I have to say for now. Praying that everyone has a safe and happy new year. 

Mrs. Dillard

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election day ...

Today is just like any other day. I got up and Steve and his friend Shane were playing a game in the living room trying to pass time from morning PT until 9:00 formation. I joined them but now they are gone. I figured why not come into the computer room and blog for a little while.

The doctor is writing me a prescription for a new kind of medicine because the meds that I have (oxycodene) just aren't working that well for me. I have been in a lot of pain and I am more than ready for this whole process to be done and over with.
Steve has been into making 550 paracord bracelets and key chains. He is so talented, mixing colors and making awesome patterns. He is going to sale them to anyone who wants them. They will be 5.00 for one color or 6.00 for two colors. Steve is for sure not doing it for the money. He really enjoys making these but to cover the cost of the cord, buttons and key rings, he needed to charge a little something. There are tons of colors available. There is not really a whole lot going on in our life that's new. Steve did learn how to make meatloaf last night. He is always wanting me to cook it but since I am unable right now I figured that I would go ahead and teach him. He did an excellent job.

Well with it being election day I guess its not really like any other day like I had stated earlier ... or is it? Even though I am 22 years old and this is my second presidential election to vote in, I am not sure how I feel about it. Sure people would say well its your right to vote and you need to vote. Stuff like that ... Listen to what you are saying ... You are telling me I have the right to vote. Therefore why are you telling me I have to vote. It is my choice. My husband serves in the US Army and gives me the right to be free. I do not have to vote. This year I have simply chosen not to. Don't worry though. You wont hear me complain about who the president is or what all he is doing/not doing for our country. If I decide not to vote, then I do not have the right to talk politics. No matter what! If you know me then you know that I NEVER speak politics, I have no desire to. Our political leaders do not play that big of a role to me. Sure they are important to society but The Lord is important to me soul. My leader, my ruler is the Lord and he is all I need. He has everything planned out the way that he wants it to so that is what is going to happen.
This is all my opinion just like you have yours. Just like I respect your opinion I ask that you respect mine(:

With all that said, I hope that everyone has a great rest of the day.


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Bring on the holiday season!

Well once again I have been missing in action for a while. Since we talked last I have had not only one surgery but two! I guess I should start with the first one. The first surgery went well. When they went in they didn't find any tumor but just scar tissue. Thank the Lord, we were so very happy about this. They did notice that my ankle was not in good shape at all. I was walking only on bone and my tendons and ligaments were just hanging there. I was then referred to another foot/ankle specialist which was still in Kansas City. We went to see Dr. Horton and Dr. Erb and they said right away that I needed to have surgery. Surgery number two was done on Monday Oct. 22nd. The surgery went well but this time they found some tumor in my ankle. Well actually it was under my ankle joint which explains why the first doctor did not find any of it. They did total ankle reconstruction as well. I am now in a cast up to my knee. I am so thankful for my husband during this whole process. He has been nothing but help to me. I never lift a finger. Having him around all the time is pretty awesome. He is out of work for the next few weeks just to help me out! (: We are hoping that was my last and final surgery with that ankle. I have been dealing with this thing since I was 13 years old. Isn't it time that I get a break?!

Enough about my ankle .. lets talk about other things going on in our life. We love our new place. It is so nice and the community is very quiet. We really enjoy being close to post and everything in Junction City. Halloween was fun this year. We went with some of our friends and their little ones trick or treating around post. Thankfully my doctor got me a wheelchair after this last surgery so Steve was able to push me around while the kiddos did their trick or treating. I am beyond excited about decorating for Christmas. Although I know its not even Thanksgiving yet I am ready to decorate. Steve and I are so excited about our first Christmas being married. Oh and did I mention the really good news?? Steve is not getting deployed (knocks on wood while typing this) The decision gets changed all the time but we are hoping that they stick with this decision. Why send him for just a couple of months? This would mean that we get to spend our first Christmas being married together and not apart!! I am filled with joy just thinking about this. We are hoping to fly home for Christmas but we are not 100% sure yet because the cost of 2 plane tickets is outrageous. We are real big on having a savings and just taking 1,000 out of savings for us to fly home just seems so unbearable to us. We are young and just starting out and saving is a real big deal for our future. Something I will never understand is flying home for everyone's benefit and being expected to pay for it all on our own. hmmm. Thanksgiving will be different this year. My first away from home. Thankfully it is not Steve's first away from home so I will have him to help me get through it. Maybe I can convince him to go black Friday shopping and that will get my mind off being away for Thanksgiving(;  My dad's drive-thru Santa is coming up. I am really hoping that if we fly home that I will be there in time. This is honestly my favorite event to attend each year. For those of you who don't know what this drive thru Santa thing is, let me take a minute to tell you. The Oriental Shrine Club on High Point Road in Greensboro holds this event each year. They hand out treat bags with amazing items in them. Some of the items like free appetizer coupons and such the parents really like. The whole concept of this is that Santa stands outside and cars line up for Santa to talk to you and your kids through the window. Perfect chance for kids to see Santa from a short distance if they are scared of the jolly man. Anyways so that sort of sums up my dad's amazing drive thru Santa, which I more than anything hope to be at this year. Oh Steve and I did some Christmas shopping today. Then when we got home he told me that I could use my Christmas gift for one night. Even though I really wanted to, I decided not to. I can't wait to use it to come Christmas time. Its a surprise to all of you though, I'm not telling what it is(;

Today is my sister's birthday! Happy birthday, Sheree. Miss you and love you tons.

I'm pretty sure that's about all I have to say for now. I promise to TRY and blog more often. Since all I do is sit at home with a cast covering my whole leg that should not be a problem.

One more thing ... every night when Steve and I say our prayers, it just about breaks my heart to hear him pray for all of his friends over in Afghanistan and for all of their families back here in the states. He misses his guys dearly and it breaks my heart to see the pain he goes through :( So whenever you are saying a prayer please remember all of our troops fighting for your freedom. I think that you can give a minute of your time to pray for these guys and girls, after all they give their whole life for you.

With love,

Shenay C. Dillard!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Sometimes life hits all at once ...

Prayers, prayers, and more prayers! Steve and I need lots of prayers right now. We have so much going on in our life right now. Deployment is coming up soon and of course everything is still up in the air. I went to the doctor a week ago today and found out that my tumor is back in my ankle which means that I am going to be having surgery on this Friday, the 31st. I have so many emotions going on right now. I am scared and anxious and so much more. My mom will be here on Wednesday to help Steve take care of me and to be some extra support during my surgery. The doctor is not sure how serious the surgery will end up being. Although we know it will be bad we just don't know exactly how bad. They plan on going in through the back of my ankle. If they can not get all of the PVNS out from the back then they will go through my 2 previous scars. I am thinking that them going through the back of my ankle is going to be very painful. Think about it ... each step you take the back of your ankle bends and that is where she is going to be making the incision. To top all of this off we are in the process of packing up everything. We are going to be moving soon. We will be living right outside of Fort Riley. This will be much closer for Steve to go back and forth to work and I will be much closer to the doctor. I am going to have to have intense therapy after my surgery. This will make it much easier being that close to the doctor. I love this tiny town that we live in and will be coming back here for friends and such. Steve and I have prayed and we both believe that right now moving a little closer is what we are meant to do.
I can't wait to show my mom the town that we live in now. I have so many things that I want to show her and to do ... if only I was going to be able to walk.
Steve and I realize that in life we are blessed, very blessed. We also realize that things could be so much worse than they are but all we are asking for is when you are saying your prayers to say a short one for us. For deployment, for my surgery, for moving and for my mom having a safe trip out here.

We love you all


Sunday, July 29, 2012

Back at it again ....

Well .... It has been a very long time since I have been on this thing. Not too much has been going on with Steve and I. Can you believe that its been 4 months since our wedding?! Steve and I are really enjoying married life and every minute that we get with each other. Steve goes back to work tomorrow. He has had the past two weeks off and boy let me tell you, its been wonderful having my hubby home!! We went to North Carolina to visit all of our family and friends. Somehow we managed to get home without anyone but my dad knowing (he had to be our ride from the airport). Steve and I got to do so much while we was at home. We would have to say that our 2 favorite things that we did while we was home was going to the races (my all time favorite thing to do as a little girl) and when we went to the lake with Chris!! We had a blast doing both of these things. The second week of Steve's vacation has been very lazy. We have watched tons of movies and done absolutely nothing.

I have started babysitting out here in Kansas. Its 3 little girls who are precious as can be. They are ages 2,4, and 5. They keep me busy but I really do enjoy it. Steve reminds me everyday that "I don't have to work" and "that I am doing all this free willingly and he is not making me work what so ever" Can you tell that he likes the whole old fashion way of the stay at home wife? (:

Steve and I are back to our bike rides and they are so relaxing(:
Here are a few things that we seen on our bike ride the other afternoon. You might get a good laugh out of this!
  • A lifted corvette that was painted like an American flag. Yikes!
  • A bright blue toilet on the front porch of a house
  • An old punch bug that had the back cut off and was made into a pick up truck. Yep, you seen that right, a pick up truck!!!
  • A house that had a "For Sale buy Owner" I guess the owner of the house was for sale??
Those are just a few things that we seen the other day. Our bike rides are for sure very entertaining and interesting to say the least.

I better get going. My husband and I are going to head upstairs and get some shut eye.

Always support your troops(:


Monday, May 28, 2012

Thanks for being my personal hero!!

Today is Memorial day. I woke up and said "Thank you for being my hero." Steve just kinda chuckled at me and went on with his morning. He doesn't consider himself a hero or even anything close to it. I try to tell him all the time that he means (along with all the other military) so much to so many people. He just tells me "It's what I need to do"
Does this kinda give you the slightest clue of why I married Steve. One amazing man right?

Well I haven't been on here in a long time. I actually have so much to tell you but most of it can wait until later. My husband leaves for NTC really soon, too soon actually. On the bright side I am going home to see my family and friends for the time that he is gone. We are still unsure about deployment but hopefully we can get an answer really soon.

My best friend Melanie is here in Kansas visiting with us for the week. It is so good to have a familiar face around. We had a cookout on Saturday to introduce her to some of our friends here and then yesterday we went to Pillsbury. Basically it is the closest that you will get to the beach while you are in Kansas. We are having one heck of a good time while she is here!! For those of your who don't know, Steve and I have a new hobby. We bought us 2 bicycles out here and we enjoy spending our evenings after dinner riding bikes together. As for Kansas, well I am getting pretty use to it. I have made so amazing friends since I have been here and look forward to meeting more. (Now only to dread the day that we have to say good-bye to such wonderful friends)

But for now I am going to get off here. Its time to bring this 4 day weekend to an end by laying on the couch with my husband and watch a movie with him and Melanie. I will be sure to get back on here really soon.

Until next time ... remember all your troops, past and present, that have allowed you to have the freedom that you do(:

Mrs. Dillard

Steve and I on our afternoon bike ride in downtown Herington.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Kansas life vs. North Carolina life

Although I miss home, I am really enjoying getting use to being in a new state and a new town.

A few things that I have learned and some things I like about Kansas and our little town of Herington ...
  • It is such a quiet town. Almost everything is closed on Sundays. You know, kinda how it use to be way back when!
  • The crime rate in Herington is 3 times less than Greensboro (I have seen ONE person pulled over by a police in Herington since I have moved here).
  • Everyone knows everyone. After you stop getting that "look at the new people in town" look you will fit right in.
  • You can walk everywhere in the town ... going on walks to the park and such are wonderful considering I love being outside.
  • The dirt roads ... although they don't get along with my silver car.
  • Steve and I have made some wonderful friends and memories with those friends that will last us a lifetime.
  • Army wives stick together ... when your family is 1200 miles from you, you have no other choice but to become close to friends that you make.
  • I love that the schools are all in one building. The high school, middle and elementary share one building.
  • The speed limit in our town is 30 mph .. or 20 depending on what part on town you are in.
  • The snow barn .. it's simply amazing!
  • The gas is cheaper ... at least for now. I am paying the same price for the expensive gas as my parents are paying for unleaded gas back home.
  • As you pass by people in the town they always seem to wave at you. Just friendly people right?
  • Since Herington is not that big, you have to find things to do on your own. Like cookouts with friends. Moments like those are like no other.
  • The bowling alley ... It has 3 or 4 lanes.
  • There is this place called "the spot" Its a small little hole in the wall restaurant in Herington that people go to kill time and have a simple meal. 
  • The office ... It pretty much reminds me of the moose lodge. I miss that place.
  • The fire trucks ... there are so old but when I see them it makes me think about old movies. You know the kind with fire trucks with really loud squalling sirens.
Yes, I could go on and on about Herington but I wont waste anymore of your time. There are some things that I want to point out that I miss about NC. There is some stuff  that KS is just missing out on.
  • Texas Roadhouse & Chic-fil-a (There might be one in KS but not near us)
  • Sweet Tea. Yes I make my own and a very select few places will have it. Its just not the same as back home.
  • My work. All of my co-workers and all my sweet babies.
  • My pup, Stubbles.
  • If this list was in any certain order, Bowman Gray racing would be near the very top
  • The same thing goes for the drive-in movies
  • Stamey's BBQ.
  • Bojangles and especially their seasoned fries
  • The moose lodge. There are some in KS but not close to us.
  • Ray's turkey, bacon, and Swiss. It makes my mouth water even thinking about it.
  • My church ... but GOD is in KS too(:
  • Liver pudding and Cheerwine. Both of these are two of my favorite things, neither of which people in KS have ever heard of.
  • Non-windy weather. The wind is insane here!
  • Myrtle Beach. Not being able to make random weekend beach trips with my best friend this summer is going to really make summer seem so long.
  • Tarheel stuff ... I need more Carolina blue stuff in my life in KS.
Now don't get me wrong I miss my family and my friends tremendously from back home. There is other things that I miss from back home but I think you get the idea ... KS and NC are two totally different places. After being here for a few weeks now I am starting to get use to KS life, especially since my husband is by my side while I experience it all(:

Until next time,
